
microscope wide.png

What is Microscope?

Humanity spreads to the stars and forges a galactic civilization…

Fledgling nations arise from the ruins of the empire…

An ancient line of dragon-kings dies out as magic fades from the realm…

These are all examples of Microscope games. Want to explore an epic history of your own creation, hundreds or thousands of years long, all in an afternoon?

That's Microscope.

Microscope is an excellent, unqiue game wherein players create a complete history in hardly any time at all.

So, 'scopes in hand and fresh off the 13th Age finale, the team sets out to explain just how every character you've ever seen on Feats is indeed shippable, from Bronze Age primordia to a future among the stars!

Now that the foundations of history have been laid, we're free to get a little... silly.

When you get right down to it, the core of Microscope is roleplay with very few rules, just right, and that's the perfect lack of restraint that leads to the universe being taken over by... well, you'll see.

Read the complete history here!

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