Inverse Fellowship

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Welcome back to the Inverse World, the hollow earth we played in during our third bonus feat ever. It is a strange place, with a golden god trapped in the center of the world, rain that falls up from the center, floating islands throughout the empty space above, and a ceiling of stone, covering the top of the world. Today, we meet a new band of explorers, trying to find their place in Invells.

Now the Inverse World is here in the Fellowship system. Support the book on kickstarter now!

Character Creation

Joining us from the regular crew are Gnome as the Horizon, Riley as Coda the Lantern and Alpha the little light, and Clove as Aurelia the Beast. We also have returning guests Gharbad and Violet, as Boggurt the Angel and Inconsequential Verse the Tinker, respectively, and new guest Aubrey as Solis the Rain. This episode is just character creation, but since its new content for an upcoming kickstarter, we go over the mechanics a bit and talk about why each of our playbooks is very cool.


Aurelia (Clove), Boggurt (Gharbad), Coda (Riley), Solis (Aubrey), and Verse (Violet) have crash landed on the island of Guardian's Toe, a dormant stone robot that, according to legend, helped seal Sola in her golden cage thousands of years ago. Since then, the Guardian hasn't moved at all, and a city was built into and on top of it. But now it's woken up, and our fellowship has to save the city from the land it was built on.

Aurelia (Clove), Boggurt (Gharbad), Coda (Riley), Solis (Aubrey), and Verse (Violet) have been wildly separated from one another, each discovering pieces of the story of why the Guardian has awoken once more. Only by coming together again can they hope to shut it down, once and for all.

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