Celestial Crescent

In today's bonus feat, we played Celestial Crescent, from the Far Horizons Co-Op. A game about spacefaring in ancient Sumeria, Celestial Crescent is a world where magic is real, gods and monsters patrol the space lanes, and ancient cities like Babylon and Ur are galactic regions of space where people live, with several planets and spaceports to their name.

From the regular crew, we have the celestial witch Hanazu (Vel), the nomad not-golem Lilac (Riley), the unstoppable warrior Wardum (Grant), and the alcoholic priest Eristu (Yao). We have two special guests from the co op to play with us: Magnus T. Hanson as the mighty sorceror Kindattu, and James E. Barton III as our games master. This band of space pirates is ready to sail the galactic rivers in search of treasure to claim and sorcerers to mock.

Celestial Crescent is available in the Far Horizon Anthology (Collection 2, Volume 1), found here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/377530/Far-Horizons-Anthology-Collection-2-Volume-1

For other games by this creative group of tabletop designers, visit the Far Horizon store page on DTRPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/15006/Far-Horizons-Coop


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